we are a community of catalysts. we build networks of these communities.
join the shift from "my"space to "our"space.
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"connect and affect"

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Help shape your member-driven community by participating in an action team!

Green Spaces Action Team: working to create more community gardens, art parks, and monarch way-stations in green spaces throughout the city.

Co-Facilitators: Chris Lyles and Elliot Gonzales
Contact: harmonyleague@gmail.com or greenLB@gocatalyst.org

Government Action Team: working to create innovative solutions to bridge the information gap between grassroots environmental actions/concerns in our community and what’s happening at a city policy level.

Facilitator: Sarah Mills
Contact: sarahmills@gmail.com

Long Beach Food Co-op: working to educate and promote producers of food and create a buying network.

Facilitator: Ty Teissere
Contact: ty.teissere@gocatalyst.org

Education Team: working to educate the community about environmental issues and sustainability.

Facilitator: Stella Ursua
Contact: stella.ursua@yahoo.com

Space Team: working to be a resource for the arts, culture and entertainment community by providing multi-use spaces to enhance the arts in Long Beach.

Facilitator: Evan Kelly
Contact: lbcspaceteam@gmail.com

Community Partnership Team: working to be a resource for the community on city policy, regulations & permitting, funding sources, marketing and advocacy issues.

Facilitator: Evan Kelly
Contact: lbcpartnershipsteam@gmail.com

Culture & Diversity Team: working to promote the diverse cultures in our city.

Facilitator: Keith Lewis
Contact: lbcdiversityteam@gmail.com

Art Education & Youth Team: working to create access to art experiences through mobile programming and workshops.

Facilitator: Kelly Curry
Contact: lbceducationteam@gmail.com

Events Team: working to be a resource for both the community and other LBCreative! teams, coordinating entertainment and staff for a variety of events in the Long Beach community.

Facilitator: Sharreace Baldwin
Contact: lbceventsteam@gmail.com

Artist Enrichment Team:

Facilitator: Sal Flores
Contact: lbcenrichmentteam@gmail.com

Living Art Team: working to promote art that involves the use of sustainable materials, themes of sustainability & green living.

Co-Facilitators: Chris Lyles
Contact: lbclivingartteam@gmail.com

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